Instructions and Regulations
2025 Fair Dates
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday – September 11th-14th, 2025
Gates open to the public as follows: Thursday 4:00 pm, Friday 11:00 a.m., Saturday 9:00 a.m. and Sunday 9:00 a.m. Concessions and midway will shut down by 10:30 p.m. on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and 7:00 on Sunday unless management decides otherwise. Concessions are required to stay open during the above hours, and booths must be attended at all times during these hours. VEHICLES MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE FAIRGROUNDS AND NO VEHICLES WILL BE ALLOWED ONTO FAIRGROUNDS AFTER 3:00 pm Thursday, 9:00 AM FRIDAY, 8:00 AM SATURDAY, AND 8:00 AM SUNDAY
All Rates are per foot of frontage with a 10' minimum, 5' increments beyond 10'
Retail Sales Outside: $40.00
Retail Sales Inside Marketplace Building: $43.00
Commerical Services: $60.00 (outside on grass only)
Any space not reserved by a deposit of 25% by May 1, 2025 will be made available on a first-come basis. If you must park your truck in your space we must be informed ahead of time, and there may be an additional fee. Space will not be held after July 1, 2025 unless the entire rental fee has been received. There will be no refunds after August 1, 2025 under any circumstances. Vendors will not be mapped to a location until complete payment is received along with Insurance Certificate
Basic rental fee includes 900 watts of electrical supply. If more is needed, please advise, as special arrangements must be made. Additional charge for electric may be applied depending on amount of electricity used or required. Electrical heaters are not allowed. Any electrical apparatus that is found by the Berlin Fair to be unsafe will be disconnected and closed down.
Concessionaire is responsible for providing evidence of insurance. A “Certificate of Insurance” IS REQUIRED and must be submitted with your signed application and deposit or with the balance of your contract fee by July 1, 2025. The certificate must provide a minimum limit of liability of $1,000,000 with the Berlin Lions Club,Inc.,
Berlin Lions Agricultural Fair INC and Berlin Lions Charities, Inc. (430 Beckley Road, PO Box 451, Kensington CT, 06037) specifically listed as an additional insured for the length of time you set up, display and exhibit on the grounds. A minimum of 10 days notification of policy cancellation is required.
Unless otherwise exempt, you must have a valid sales tax number from the State of Connecticut, Dept. of Revenue Services. If you have a question concerning sales tax or wish to obtain a tax number, you may contact or write to: Compliance Unit, 25 Sigourney St., Hartford, CT 06106 – or phone (860) 297-5880 or Fax (860) 297-5932.
RV’s, Trailers, Trucks, or Vans used as living quarters will pay a fee of $125.00. These units will be allowed in the designated camping area ONLY. Section 2, Campground Registration Form, of the Contract must be completed. Availability is on a first-come basis.
When filling out an application, list all items to be sold or displayed. It is important to be specific when indicating items to be sold. Any changes to this list must be submitted in writing to the Vendors Committee for approval. We will make every effort to keep similar concessions separated.
Any concessionaire that offers, for sale or display, any article that is illegal or is considered to be dangerous, vulgar or obscene or not in good taste for a family-oriented fair shall have their lease terminated and shall remove his concession from the fairgrounds immediately. If there is any question about any article falling into the above categories, the Vendors Committee should be consulted prior to displaying the article. (Examples: hunting knives. guns, brass knuckles, Chinese stars, spray cans, lasers or mylar/foil balloons).
The Berlin Fair reserves the right to refuse space to any person if deemed to be in the best interest of the Fair.
Timeshare, or like promotions, are not allowed.
Concessions are liable to strict supervision by the Vendors Committee who reserves the right to enforce whatever rules appear necessary for the regulations of the concessions.
Drawings must have Berlin Fair approval and winner names must be supplied to Vendors Committee after drawing.
The Berlin Fair is not responsible for any damage to any property or stolen items.
No concessions containing water will be allowed inside commercial building.
Concessions will remain within their specified booth location.
It is concessions responsibility to obtain required Temporary Food Service Permit.
Purchasing Insurance
Purchasing Insurance
If you don’t have insurance, vendors can obtain their liability coverage online through a special group policy.
Please use the link below.